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How To Transition Your HVAC Service From Heating To Air Conditioning

How to Transition Your HVAC Service From Heating to Air Conditioning

We live in a mild climate – okay a really mild climate – here in Las Vegas. Spring has arrived, which means the flowers are blooming and the bees are buzzing, though some of us have been wondering if we actually even experienced a winter at all. Soon, it will be time to run the air conditioning full blast.

With temperatures in the high 70s and only continuing to rise as we near the dreaded Las Vegas summer months, it’s time to determine if you’ll run the fan or air conditioner during this “in-between” time. Below are a few tips to transition into summer:

If you don’t have to run the air conditioning at first sign of a warm day, don’t. Crack the windows and open doors. Create a cross-ventilation and a stream of fresh air running through the house.

Keep the curtains and shades drawn. This is especially important for areas where the hot rays of the sun shine strongly. This can reduce the radiant heat entering your home when you’re trying to keep your home cool.

Clear the air conditioning unit. Do a bit of “spring cleaning” and ensure all bushes and shrubs are at least 12 – 18 inches clear from the unit. This allows the system to work properly.

Make sure your doors and windows are caulked and sealed. Winter can be harsh on a home. Prevent hot air from entering when you’re trying to keep your home cool by determining if there are areas that need extra insulation. This can be done by holding a candle or lighter up around the frame. If it flickers and you feel air entering, you likely need extra sealing.

Regularly replace the air conditioning filter. This can help ensure that your air conditioning unit remains clean.

Have your air conditioner unit professionally checked. HVAC professionals are in business for a reason – they’ll work to ensure your system is running at optimal performance so it’s there for you when you need it most.

Install a smart thermostat. Your thermostat is engineered to work in harmony with the air conditioning and heating units. A smart thermostat can help establish the right comfort level for the home and allows one to control the settings remotely.

Do you have any other tips to transition to summer? Leave us a comment on our Facebook page!